Re-Creation Unlimited is a non-profit organization that serves the public in parks and campgrounds in the Western United States. It is a life-skill development project with internships available.


Become a Young-America Hero

America needs wholesome heroes; persons worthy of our attention. Too many pop-stars and sports icons, even political leaders, are viewed as “heroes” while their personal life is in shambles. Who then should the “next generation” look up to? We need Young-America Heroes!

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Why we volunteer

Re-Creation Unlimited specializes in training and leadership development while coordinating professionals who volunteer their time to serve the vacationing public to while assisting government agencies. For more than three decades, RU as a culture mission, has developed methods, and equipped people to live at their wholesome best —all in the great outdoors.

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What Outcome Should I Expect? Read the Reports from Summer 2015

Ana and Joao Sequiera, graphic designer and architect respectively, finished their RU Internship Summer. Read the 2015 summer report of their mission at Heyburn State Park in Idaho. Rejoice with us in what many have helped happen in this, RU's 34th Season.

Read the professional Observation Study presented to Law Enforcement personnel based on Park studies by Ms. Acacia Chan of Walla Walla University. Her study, where applied, has led to a 50% reduction in negative-style contacts with Russian-language park users. This is applied science, psychology, and Christian Worldview at its best.